The section shows a list of all active sessions. The Session List is displayed according to IP Address, Last Activity, Session Type, User Agent and Options.
IP Address: Displays the IP Address of the Staff User using which he has logged into the system.
Last Activity: Displays the amount of time the Staff User is logged into the system. The Last Activity of the User checking this Session List will always be displayed as 0s (zero seconds).
Session Type: Displays the Session Type for the logged User. A User logged into the Admin CP will have the session type as ‘Admin‘ while a User logged into the Staff CP will have the session type as ‘Staff‘.
User Agent: This section displays browser and system capabilities of the User logged into the system.
Options: The option section has a setting ‘Kill Session‘, clicking on which you can terminate an active session of a User logged into the system.
The User whose active session is terminated will have to re-login in order to use the software.