– General Details and Criteria
– Rule Type
General Details and Criteria
This section allows you to specify details like rule title and order for the Parser Rule as well as set certain criteria’s for the Parser Rules.
Rule Title: Specify a suitable title for your Parser Rule.
Stop Processing Rules: This setting if enabled, other rules added in the system will not be processed if the criteria specified for this Parser Rule are met.
Sort Order: This setting allows you to choose the order in which the Parser Rule should be sorted by the software. SupportSuite will always process Parser Rules in ascending order hence a Parser Rule sorted as ’1′ will be executed before a rule sorted as ’4′.
Criteria: SupportSuite allows you to set certain standards for all incoming emails using the Criteria setting of the Parser Rule. The software in reference to these standards checks if the incoming email meets the specified criteria’s. Only if it does then the Parser Rule is executed by the software.
The software allows you to add more than one criteria for a Parser Rule, you can add multiple criteria’s by clicking on the New Criteria option . Similarly, you can remove an added criteria by click in the red cross icon
adjacent to it.
Match Any Criteria: This option if selected, the software shall execute the added rule if one or more of the added criteria’s for this rule are met.
The following are the attributes using which you can create a criteria for the Parser Rules for your system.
- Sender Email: It is the email address from which the email is received. The software fetches it from the “From” attribute in an incoming email.
- Designation Name: It is the name of the person to whom the email has been sent. The software fetches it from the “To” attribute in an incoming email.
- Designation Email: It is the email address to which the incoming email has been sent to. The software fetches it from the “To” attribute in an incoming email.
- Reply-To Name: It is the reply to Name fetched from the “Reply-To” attribute in an incoming email.
- Reply-To Email: It is the reply to Email Address fetched by the software from the “Reply-To” attribute in an incoming email.
- Subject: Defines the subject of the incoming email.
- Recipients: An incoming email can have more than one recipient. SupportSuite fetches these multiple recipients from the “To” and “CC” attributes of an incoming email.
- Body: The body of an email is the main part of an email message containing the actual, arbitrary data such as text or images. SupportSuite processes the Email Body after stripping it of any potential HTML Tags or Breaklines.
- Body Size: The criteria matches the body content size.
- Text Body: An email can have two kind of multipart bodies: Text or HTML. This Criteria matches the Text Body.
- HTML Body: An email can have two kind of multipart bodies: Text or HTML. This Criteria matches the HTML Body.
- Text Body Size: This criteria matches the Text Body Size in bytes.
- HTML Body Size: This criteria matches the HTML Body Size in bytes.
- Attachment Name: An attachment is a file that is sent along with an email message. SupportSuite matches this criteria against all accepted attachments for an incoming email. “Accepted Attachments” are the ones that have either been specified under Attachment Types (if option is enabled) or any other attachments that are received in the incoming email.
- Attachment Size: This criteria matches the Attachment Size of each of the attachment in an incoming email.
- Total Attachment Size: This criteria matches the attachment size of all the attachment in an incoming email.
- Is Reply: This criteria will be triggered if the Email is a reply to an existing ticket.
- Is Staff Reply: This criteria will be triggered if the Sender Email Address matches that of a Staff Users in the SupportSuite database.
- Is Third Party: This criteria will be triggered if the Email is a reply to a Forwarded Email to a Third Party.
- Flood Protection Triggered: This criteria is set to true if the flood protection feature is triggered on the incoming email.
- Ticket Status: SupportSuite compares the Ticket Status of the incoming email with the one set for the criteria. This Criteria will only work if the incoming email is a reply to an existing ticket.
Rule Type
The Rule Type section has been sub-divided into two sub-sections:
– Post Parser
Pre Parse: SupportSuite allows you to run a set of rules before the incoming email is parsed into the system.
Reply to Email: Is specified, SupportSuite will automatically reply to the email that matches the above criteria.
Forward Email To: If specified, the system will forward that incoming email that matches the above criteria to the specified email address.
Ignore the Email: The incoming email will be completely ignored and not processed and added into the database if this setting is enabled.
Don’t Send Autoresponder Message: The system will not send an autoresponder message for either the Ticket or the Reply to the user if this setting is enabled.
Don’t Process Alert Rules: This setting if enabled, the software shall not process the Alert Rule under a given ticket.
Don’t Tag as Ticket Reply: This setting if enabled, the system will forcibly tag the incoming email as a new ticket.
Post Parse: SupportSuite allows you to run a set of rules after the incoming email is parsed into the system. These rules are executed for Tickets which match the mentioned criteria.
Change Ticket Department: Select a new Department for the Ticket.
Change Ticket Owner: Select a new Ticket Owner for the Ticket.
Change Ticket Status: Select a new Ticket Status for the Ticket.
Change Ticket Priority: Select a new Ticket Priority for the Ticket.
Change Ticket SLA Plan: Select a new SLA Plan for the Ticket by selecting one from the options listed in the adjacent drop down list.
Flag Tick
et: Assign a Flag for the Ticket.
Add Notes: If specified, the software shall automatically add a Note to the Ticket.
Once you have set the section, click on the Insert tab to insert the Parser Rule. Once you have saved the Rule, the software shall notify with the message ‘Parser Rule “Rule Title” Inserted Successfully‘ and shall forward you to the Manage Rules section which is explained in detail in the earlier part of the manual.