CPU Optimization & Server Settings – Settings
This setting allows you to configure the software optimization and server settings. The section has been sub-divided into 4 sub-sections allowing you to choose the optimum setting:

Optimization Settings
SMS Gateway
Outgoing Mail Settings
SMTP Settings

Optimization Settings

This section allows you to set the optimization settings of the software including the compression levels for various sections.

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GZIP Compression Level: GZIP is a compression utility designed to be a replacement for compress with much better compression and freedom from patented algorithms hence allowing the pages to render faster. Although a higher level of compression can slow down the software considerably. By default the compression level chosen is ’2′.

Note: If you receive blank pages with GZIP turned on, turning it off will fix the issue.  You can turn GZIP off by selecting the compression level as ’0′.

Compress Winapp Output: This setting will compress the SupportSuite Windows Application data and send it to the application.

Compress Support Center Output: This setting will compress the Support Center data.

Compress Staff CP Output: This setting will compress the Staff CP data.

Compress Admin CP Output: This setting will compress the Admin CP data.

Compress WAP Area Output: This setting will compress the WAP data. This setting is enabled by default.

Compress PDA CP Output: This setting will compress the PDA data. This setting is enabled by default

Log Clearing Timeline (In Days): Specify the number of days after which the system should clear the system logs. By default the system clears the logs in ’2′ days.

SMS Gateway

This section allows you to configure various SMS Gateway settings which are used to send SMS Alerts to assigned Staff Users under: Staff CP » Tickets » Alerts.

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Enable SMS Gateway: To use the SMS Alerts feature, you need to sign up with the Kayako SMS Gateway. For more information refer to http://gateway.kayako.net. Enable this option if you wish to use the SMS Alert feature.

Email Failure Reports: If this option is enabled, the software will automatically email the SMS Delivery Failure report to the email address used by the ‘admin’ user.

Gateway Username: Enter your Kayako SMS Gateway account username.

Gateway Password: Enter your Kayako SMS Gateway account password.

Outgoing Mail Settings

This section allows you to configure the outgoing email settings of the software.

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Enable HTML Emails: On enabling this setting, all outgoing emails are sent in HTML format. SupportSuite along with the HTML mail will also send the Text version of the email as MIME Part allowing clients, who use Pocket PC, Blackberry or web mail which does not support HTML mails, to view the email.

Enable Mail Queue: SupportSuite has a feature called Email Queues which sends bulk emails in batches hence preventing slowing down of pages and the mails are sent over a period of time. Enabling this setting will activate Email Queues.

Number of Mails to Send in a Queue Batch: Choose the number of emails you would like the software to dispatch in one Email Queue batch. The higher the number, slower the pages will load.

SMTP Settings

This section allows you to configure the SMTP server settings for SupportSuite. By default SupportSuite uses the PHP Mail() function to send all outgoing emails. Some servers have the mail() function disabled hence they can use the SMTP server for all outgoing emails. We suggest to use SMTP server only if the software fails to send emails using the PHP mail() function.

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Enable SMTP: Enable this option if you wish to use the SMTP server for all outgoing emails.

SMTP Host: Specify your SMTP Host to be used by the software.

SMTP Port: Most SMTP server run on the port 25. Specify your SMTP port incase your mail server uses a separate port. Do not make any changes if you are unsure.

Use SMTP Authentication: Nowadays most of the SMTP servers requires the user to authenticate to avoid SPAM and misuse of the mail server. Enable this setting if you want the software to authenticate before dispatching emails.

SMTP Username: Enter your SMTP username if you have enabled SMTP Authentication.

SMTP Password: Enter the password for the chosen SMTP user.

Once you have set the option according to your choice, click on the Update Settings tab to save the changes.

CPU Optimization & Server Settings