– General Ticket Settings
– PDA Interface
– Client Support Center Settings
– Mail Settings
– RSS View Syndication
– SLA Settings
– Parser Settings
– Flood Protection
– Search Index Options
– Attachment Settings
– Auto Close Settings
This setting allows you to set the general settings for the Tickets module.
Display Tickets Tab: This setting allows you to toggle the Tickets tab in the Staff CP. If you select ‘No’ as an option, the Tickets tab will no longer be visible in the Staff CP options menu.
Enable Pagination for Ticket Posts: This setting will spilt tickets into different pages, each page displaying a specified number of post. It is recommended you keep this setting as ‘Yes’. Selecting ‘No’ will display all post on one page hence slowing the software.
Number of Posts Per Page in View Ticket Page: Select the number of post you would want the software to display for a ticket under the Staff CP. This setting applies only to the Staff CP and not the Support Center used by the clients.
Order of Display for Ticket Posts: This setting allows you to choose the display order for the posts in a Ticket.
Post Text Conversion: This Option allows you to prevent any XSS attacks by converting any HTML codes to their respective entities. It is highly recommended that this option not be changed to “No Processing” as it can allow your clients to run arbitrary script code on staff browser.
Enable Post Preview in Ticket List: This setting displays the latest tickets content in brief when the mouse is hovered over the ticket’s date icon in the Staff CP, allowing you to know the details of the ticket. It is recommended you disable this setting if you have a heavy usage helpdesk.
Ticket ID Type: This setting allows you to choose the format for your Ticket ID. You can choose between Sequential or Random Values. A Sequential ticket will have the Ticket ID as [#10]: Ticket Subject and so on. While a Random valued ticket will have the Ticket ID as [#ABC-123456]: Ticket Subject. It is recommended that this be set to Random to increase security against spoofing attacks.
Maximum Number of Attachments when Replying: This setting allows you to choose the maximum number of attachments Staff Users can attach to a ticket while replying it from the Staff CP. This setting is only valid for the Staff CP.
Show Third Party Replies to User: SupportSuite has the feature of allowing Staff Users to send emails to a Third Party user from an existing ticket. This option allows you to choose if you wish the client, who originally created the ticket, to view the emails sent to the Third Party.
Third Party in a ticket would be a person who is neither the client who originally created a support ticket nor the Staff Users attending the ticket. Assuming you have a SMS issue reported by the client wherein you need to confirm certain details from the SMS Provider. SupportSuite allows you to send an email to the SMS Provider from the same ticket created by the client hence in this case the SMS Provider is the Third Party.
Default Ticket Status for Client Reply: This setting allows you to configure the software to set the default ticket status when it is replied by the client. The software will automatically change the status of the ticket as selected here when the client replies to the ticket. It is recommended you do not change this setting.
This section allows you to set various PDA related settings.
Enable Pagination for Ticket Posts: This setting will spilt tickets into different pages, each page displaying a specified number of post.
Number of Posts Per Page in View Ticket Page: Select the number of post you would want the software to display for a ticket under the PDA Interface.
Order of Display for Ticket Posts: This setting allows you to choose the display order for the posts in a Ticket.
Client Support Center Settings
This section allows you to configure various settings for the Client Support Center.
Enable Captcha for Ticket Submission: This setting if enabled requires the clients to verify their entry by entering the text which appears in the image; before the ticket is accepted by the system. To use this feature, your system should have GD library pre-installed on your server. In the absence of GD library, the software will not display any error but the Image Verification system will not function.
Tickets to Display Per Page: This setting allows you to choose the number of tickets the system should display in the Ticket List.
Ticket Post Order for Client Support Center: This setting allows you to choose the display order for the posts in the View Ticket Page.
Allow Users to Upload Attachments: This setting allows you the option to choose if you want your clients to be able to attach attachments while submitting tickets using the Support Center ticket form.
Maximum Number of Attachments: Specify the number of attachments a client can attach while submitting a ticket.
This section allows you to set up various mail related settings for a ticket.
Send Latest News in Auto Responder Message: This setting if enabled will include the latest News in all the auto responder messages sent by the software.
Check the Message-ID for Staff Replies: This setting forces SupportSuite to check the In-Reply-To header to confirm the identity of the Staff User replying to an Alert Rule. The setting adds an extra layer of security making sure the replier is a valid Staff User.
Set Ticket ID In S
ubject for Outgoing Mails: This setting allows the software to set Ticket ID for the Outgoing Mails sent using the New Ticket option. It is highly recommended that this option be enabled even though SupportSuite can still check which ticket a message belongs to by looking up the Ticket ID in Body, Comparing the Subject or by checking the Message-ID in the In-Reply-To attribute of the Email.
This setting allows you to set the RRS Syndication feature for the Ticket Module.
Enable RSS Syndication for Ticket Views: This setting allows you to Enable/Disable the RSS Syndication of Ticket Views.
This section allows you to configure various Service License Agreement settings.
Clear Overdue Time for Tickets when Staff Replies: This setting automatically clears the SLA overdue time whenever a staff user replies to a ticket. A new overdue time will be calculated when the client replies back to ticket again.
Enable Custom Ticket Overdue Hours: This settings configures the software to use the Specified Overdue Hours to calculate the Overdue timeline for a ticket when a SLA Plan is not assigned to the Department, User, Usergroup or the Ticket.
Default Overdue Hours: Specify the number of hours after which an existing ticket should be marked as Overdue.
Overdue Tickets Background Color: Choose the background color in which an overdue ticket should be displayed in the Ticket list.
This section allows you to configure the parser settings related to the Ticket module.
Enable Two Way Email Processing: This setting allows a Staff User to reply to incoming Alerts which then are automatically added into the software database as a Staff reply.
What is Flood Protection?
SupportSuite has a feature called Flood Protection which is very useful to stop the auto responder wars that can happen if your client has an auto responder set.
How does it work?
Whenever an incoming email is received, SupportSuite checks the Tickets table to see if the user created a ticket with the same subject in the given threshold time. If this check succeeds the Flood Protection gets triggered and the specified actions are carried out.
Enable/Disable Flood Protection: This setting allows you to enable/disable the Flood Protection feature. It is strongly recommended that you never disable this option as it prevents mail loops that can happen if your client has an autoresponder message set.
Dont Send Autoresponder Message: This setting will configure the software not to send an autoresponder when Flood Protection is triggered. It is not recommended to change the default setting.
Dont add the Ticket/Reply: This setting will configure the software to ignore the incoming email if Flood Protection is triggered. It is recommended that you do not enable this option as simply disabling the autoresponder message should stop any potential mail loop.
Timing Threshold (In Seconds): Specify the time in seconds for the software to check for any potential Flood Protection cases. By default the threshold time set is 43200 seconds.
This section allows you to configure various settings for the Search option used for the Ticket module.
Search Results Limit: Specify the maximum number of results the software should display when the Search feature is used.
Minimum Word Length: Specify the minimum length of a word to be indexed using the Search feature. Any word whose length is less than the specified number will be ignored by the system.
Maximum Word Length: Specify the maximum length of a word to be indexed using the Search feature. Any word whose length is more than the specified number will be ignored by the system.
Index Numbers: This setting allows you to toggle the Indexing of Numbers.
Minimum Number Length: Specify the minimum length for a Number to qualify for Indexing.
Word Fault Tolerance: This setting allows you to configure the software to ignore a word which appears more than the specified times in a ticket. The word will be ignored and wont be added in the ticket.
Ignore Words with Symbols: This setting configures the software to ignore words with symbols. Example: URLs, Phone Numbers, etc.
This section allows you to configure various attachment related settings for the Ticket module.
Restrict Incoming Attachments to Custom Attachment Types: This setting configures the software to only accept certain attachments that match the extensions added under Admin CP > Tickets > Attachment Types. Any other attachment type besides the ones added under the list shall be ignored.
Storage Type: This setting allows you to specify the location where the software shall save the incoming attachments. The available options are: Database and “files” Directory.
Database Attachment Chunk Size (In Bytes): Each Attachment stored in the Database is split into a number of chunks. This setting allows you to specify the Chunk Size. This Number should be more than the Max Packet Size setting in your my.cnf (MySQL Configuration File). For more information on my.cnf, please refer to MySQL.com.
With the auto close feature you can automatically close tickets that have been open for a specified period of time.
Enable/Disable Auto Close System: This setting will configure the software to automatically change the status of the Tickets if they have reached the specified inactivity threshold time.
Ticket Status Bindings: Select the Ticket Status for the Auto Close system. Only the tickets with the selected Ticket Status will be taken into consideration. You can select multiple entries by pressing the CTRL Button when clicking on an en
Department Bindings: Select the Departments for Auto Close system. Only Tickets under the specified Departments will be Closed. You can select multiple entries by pressing the CTRL Button when clicking on an entry.
Auto Close Status Change: Select the status to which the Tickets should be changed to once they meet the auto close threshold time.
Auto Close Inactivity Threshold (In Hours): Specify the number of hours after which the Ticket will be marked for Auto Close. The system will send a notice automatically to a client once this timeline is met.
Final Auto Close Timeline (In Hours): Specify the number of hours after which the status for the Ticket should be changed once a notice has been dispatched to the Client.
Once you have set the option according to your choice, click on the Update Settings tab to save the changes.