User Registration – Settings
This section allows you to optimize various User Registration related settings. The section is sub-divided into two sub-sections:

Settings for: User Registration
Auto Clear

Settings for: User Registration

This setting allows you to configure the user registration section of the software.

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Enable Manual Staff Verification: This setting allows you to set the option for the Staff User to manually send a verification email to the registering client. By default, the system automatically sends an email to verify the client provided Email Verification is enabled in Enable Email Verification. If Yes selected, the Staff User will have to manually send the verification emails from Staff CP ยป Users

Enable Email Verification: The option allows you to choose if you wish for the software to verify the registering client by sending a verification email to the email address he used while registering with the system.

Enable Image Verification: This option sets up Image verification system for User Registration where the clients will have to verify the text in a displayed image before registering. This feature allows to prevent mass registration by automated bots who can slow the system considerably. If enabled, the software shall display an image similar to one displayed below

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Note: To use the Image Verification system, you need to have the GD library pre-installed on your server. In the absence of GD library, the software will not display any error but the Image Verification system will not function.

Auto Clear

The setting allows you to maintain the User Registration database, allowing you to clear all unverified members from the system.

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Automatically Clear Unverified Users: This option allows you to set the software, if it should automatically remove all unverified users from the system.

Auto Clear Timeline (In Days): This setting will set the number of days in which the software should remove the unverified members from the system.

Once you have set the option according to your choice, click on the Update Settings tab to save the changes.

User Registration