You shall see, the Admin CP is divided into four distinct sections:
Set Up Panel
Navigation Panel
Main Display Panel
Top Panel: The Top Panel consists of the SupportSuite logo along with the links to the Staff CP and the Client User Interface.
– Support Center: This is a link which when clicked opens the Client User Interface in a new window.
– Staff CP: This is a link which when clicked opens the Staff Control Panel in a new window.
– Logout: When clicked, logs you out of the Admin CP
Set Up Panel: This section allows you to Insert as well as Manage Departments and Staff Members.
Navigation Panel: To the left of the page is the Navigation Panel. This section is the key to getting around the Admin CP. When you first visit the Admin CP, you will notice that all the options of this panel are in a collapsed state. You can click the available options to expand it and show its contents. Once re-click the options collapse into the Navigation Panel.
Main Display Panel: This brings us to the Main Display Panel, where the majority of the attention will be focused when administering the software. Any options selected from the Navigation Panel shall display all the possible settings in this area.
If at any time you want to return to the welcome page of the Admin CP you can do so by clicking on Home ยป Dashboard in the Set Up Panel.