Once all the SupportSuite files have been successfully uploaded to your web server, you will now need to run the SupportSuite Installation Script.
To start the installation process, open your browser and type the HTTP address of your SupportSuite directory, followed by /setup/setup.php, then hit the <Enter> key or press the Go button to open the script.
Once you run the installation script, the first thing you shall see is the ‘Kayako End User License Agreement‘ which you can refer to further details before proceeding with the installation.
To proceed with the installation, you need to click on the ‘I Agree‘ tab found at the bottom of the page. Clicking on the I Agree button will take you to the server and database verification page, where the software recognizes your server specifications, checking if it meets the requirements of the software.
On clicking the Next button on this page, it shall lead you to the Information page. You need to fill in the requested details which when filled will create an administrator user for the software.
The next few steps shall set up SupportSuite tables on your database. The complete set up is automated, to begin just click on the ‘Start Auto Setup‘ tab. The auto setup shall create tables and insert data into for the various modules of SupporyWorks.
After the last module troubleshooter has been set, the auto setup shall be complete. To proceed with the installation, click on the Settings tab.
The software shall now create and insert relevant settings into the various module tables we created in the auto setup. To proceed with the installation, click on the ‘Settings‘ tab.
Click on the ‘Templates‘ tab to continue with the installation. On click tab, the software shall setup the Templates tables by creating various categories and inserting data into it.
Click on the ‘Languages‘ tab to proceed with the installation. Once clicked, the software shall insert the English language pack for both client as well as admin interface.
The setup of SupportSuite is almost complete. Click on the ‘Finish‘ tab to complete the installation.
It is important that you now delete the setup folder to prevent any unauthorized re-installation of SupportSuite. Once deleted, you can start using the software with the admin password you specified during the installation.
Note: The software shall display a Warning message until you have deleted the setup folder.