Upgrading from eSupport Version 2.3.5 – Upgrade
This section of the manual provides instructions on how you can upgrade from eSupport v2.3.5 to Version 3. The following steps will help you upgrade eSupport v2 to the latest version 3 build. This section covers upgrading eSupport v2.3.5 to SupportSuite v3.

– Upgrade to version 2.3.5 of eSupport
– Back Up of version 2 database
– Setting Up Version 3 and Importing Data

Each of the above sections have been explained in detail allowing you to carry out the upgrade seamlessly.

– The procedure to upgrade from eSupport v2.3.5 to eSupport v3 remains the same as mentioned in this section of the manual.
– LiveResponse v2 data cannot be imported to version 3.
– You need to use the same procedure as explained in this section to import data from Cerberus Helpdesk v2.6.1, PerlDesk v1.8 and SupportTrio v2.1.

From eSupport v2.3.5